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Contact us if you have a question not answered here.
Are iOS 13 and the latest iPhones and iPads supported?
If you plan to upgrade or replace your existing device, we strongly recommend that you back it up beforehand. Failure to do so could result in the permanent loss of your journal. After upgrading your device or replacing it with a new device, restore from the backup you created.
After upgrading, you may experience a temporary issue due to low memory or iCloud connectivity. Find the FAQ entry that most closely matches the symptom you are having, and follow the instructions to resolve the issue, or contact us for further assistance.
What is an Animal Totem?
A totem is any natural object – it could be a Beastie (insect, reptile, bird, mammal, or extinct or mythical Beastie), a plant, a rock, or even a planet – that bears a special significance for an individual. A totem is a source of strength and insight that the person would not have without it. Another way of saying this is that a totem’s vibrational energy is aligned with the person using that totem.
What is a Core or Lifetime Beastie (sometimes called a Power Animal)?
Core Beasties stay with us for many, many years – often for a lifetime. They’re usually a wild Beastie and they’re often a mammal, probably because we humans are mammals, so they’re most closely related to us. A Core Beastie is very protective and empowering. Having a Core Beastie is like having a wonderful mentor alongside for a lifetime.
What is a Guest Beastie?
Guest Beasties are around for a limited time. They come to stay with us for a moment or a month, or even a year, to bring a message or share some wisdom. Guest Beasties arrive to guide us through something important that’s going on in our life. They’re basically saying, “Hey! Over here! Notice me, because I’m trying to tell you something that’s important for you to know.”
How do I honor a Core Beastie?
It is important to honor and be appreciative and grateful for the helpful messages and energetic assistance the Beasties give us. To honor is to love. A traditional Native American way of showing honor is to leave a bit of cornmeal or tobacco at the base of a tree to thank a totem Beastie for its assistance. In a similar way, you might want to perform a ceremony of some kind to honor your Core Beastie. It could be a private thing or something not so private, depending on what appeals to you. Wearing jewelry or adorning yourself with a symbol of your Core Beastie is another way to honor them.
—From "What The Walrus Knows"
You may also wish to honor and appreciate a Beastie in the following ways:

Support a Beastie's cause at World Wildlife Fund

Explore, enjoy and protect the planet we share with Beasties at Sierra Club
The app won't save new journal entries, or exits when I try to view a journal entry. Please help!
If you use the Divine feature and it indicates that it is unable to save the journal, please wait for several minutes and try again. If the problem still isn't resolved, you may need to turn off iCloud sync for the journal. If, instead, the app exits when you try to view a journal entry, iCloud sync may still be causing you headaches.
To turn off iCloud sync, leave the app by pressing the Home button once, then press the Home button twice quickly to view recently running apps at the bottom of the screen. If you are using iOS 6 or earlier, tap and hold the app icon at the bottom of the screen, then tap the X when it appears. For iOS 7 or later, swipe up the app screen until it disappears. Press Home again, open the Settings app, scroll down to the bottom, and select the app. Scroll down to Journal options, and turn off "Use iCloud". When this is turned off, a local journal will be used instead of the iCloud-based journal. Press Home again and open the app again.
If you are experiencing this issue, we strongly recommend that you report it to Apple Support. If you are able to re-enable and restore iCloud syncing, the local journal will be automatically merged with the iCloud journal.